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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pears & Popcorn

Sometimes the most simple date nights are the ones that make me the happiest. They are so easy and casual and we laugh and have a good time. These are the nights that show me that relationships don't have to be hard work - it's just about living through simple things together, finding how to make it fun, and loving each other through everything.

Last night was one of those nights. All we did was go to Costco and watch a movie at his house, but it made me happy. We bought tons of fruit and vegetables for us to have as snacks for our healthy-eating push.

(Side note: you can get some great stuff, at good prices, and obviously an enormous quantity at Costco! Together we bought: pears, cucumbers, kiwi, tangerines, strawberries, bananas and a huge box of 100-calorie packs of popcorn - total cost for all of that was probably around $50, but it will last us for at least 3-4 weeks.)

We drooled over checked out fancy cameras, played around with some awesome Tommy Bahama beach chairs (it's a fold-up backpack chair with a little cooler on the back...we will definitely be buying 2 in April...), stayed in the giant walk-in cooler a little bit too long, investigated a kayak, and found some Lego Star Wars underwear for his twin boys.

After we finished shopping, we got a chocolate-&-vanilla swirly frozen yogurt and shared it together at a cute little Costco picnic table, complete with umbrella. We went back to his house and watched a movie. I fell asleep for about 10 minutes, so he woke me up so I could go home to bed.

Such a simple night. but it made me so happy. We had fun, laughed and joked together, and even had a chance to catch up on some serious stuff too. These nights are so easy, but they're also the best!

He's such a cute boy :)

P.S. - I just ate a pear for my morning snack, and it was so very yummy. It reminded me of when I was little, because I used to eat them at my Grandparent's house ALL the time. So juice and sweet, and a tiny bit crispy on the outside but so soft on the inside. Delish. I would definitely recommend Costco fruit. :)

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