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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Push-Pin Pumpkins

I have done another Pinterest-inspired craft. The problem is - mine doesn't look near as good as the original...and I can't really even figure out why. (Maybe I didn't place them close enough to each other?) I mean, I'm OK with them for the most part, but mine definitely couldn't be sold on Etsy or anything like that...


Original (follow link to see more)


So for now they're sitting on my desk at work. And I like them good enough. (Oh and a secret, I didn't have enough pins to finish them, so the back side of each is bare...) Maybe I'll try to re-do it, to spruce it up a bit. Or maybe not...


Nicole McKenzie said...

Don't feel bad Halie, you should see another wreath I tried to make (inspired by Pinterest) bust! And your pumpkins look fine! But I know the feeling of not getting the look you want.

Unknown said...

I like your punkins. I would say that lines are the biggest difference bw your punkins and pinterests. Straight lines. Love you.