So, here's the list of lists... I won't be doing these in the order they're written, rather just whenever I choose to write that specific one. And I have no posting schedule for these either, so who knows when they'll actually show up on the ol' bloggy-blog. My goal is simply to do them all before my birthday! I'm just using Pen & Paper, and making some cute lists :)
So that's that. Not really much else to this "series," but it's just something fun for me to do with a cute notebook and some Sharpe pens. Because who doesn't love Sharpie pens, am I right?! Also, I once again apologize for the blurry quality of my iPhone pictures. Looks like this is one of those projects I'll have to bust out the real camera for...
Ah, I love Sharpie pens! I always like to keep them at work, but they seem to disappear! And that is really neat tape too! :)
Um....omg i love EVERYTHING about this post and idea. i just may have to steal some of it for leading up to my 30th birthday next year! LISTS!!! i LOVE lists!!!! this is exactly why we are blog friends! ;)
You should do a link up with this!! i love it!!!!
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